Hair removal since 1997 
Our experience - your benefits

Light Sheer Diode Laser Technology
Since 1997, Lasomed GmbH, the center for laser aesthetics, has been using the latest device of the Light Sheer Diode Laser for permanent hair removal. The Light Sheer Diode Laser Desire is known for its reliability and speed, its success, its high precision and the relative low pain.
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Wrinkle injections

Over the years, the skin loses its elasticity and wrinkles develop. If these can initially be covered with lots of sleep and a good cream, you have to "help out" a bit later. Time-consuming, expensive and risky operations can often be avoided with injections.
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Aesthetic indications

Removal of enlarged capillaries, couperose, stigmas and angiomas. Extended veins on the face (cheeks, nose) are often perceived as cosmetically very disturbing. The removal of such benign skin lesions is the most common application for vascular lasers. Also, pectorals and angiomas (small red dots) respond well to a laser treatment. In combination with other procedures, the enlarged veins on the legs (spider veins) can also be treated.
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